When I was a young child, I loved to sing. Whevever I was at my friend’s house, I wanted to play with her karaoke machine constantly. I didn’t ever stop making noise around the house. But Also, I liked to be the one to figure things out. In general, I was a problem-solver. I loved puzzles, solitaire, and sudoku, and I had no problem going through the directions for how to build a dresser from IKEA, connecting everyone’s phone to the car’s bluetooth, or setting up an itunes account. This quickly turned into becoming the technology troubleshooter of the house, which I’ve never minded. I’m still extremely interested in music-- I love to arrange music for choir. The arranging process actually integrates both of my childhood interest very well: Music and singing, but also, the process of arranging is like a puzzle to me. Where there are holes in the sound, or there is something missing, you have to create something to fill the spot and make the piece make sense not only to the singer, but to the listener.
Ted Talk:
I thought it was so interesting that she got a chance to see not just the art itself, but really how people responded to it. People will interpret what they see however they want, but often let their personal bias cloud the actual artist’s intention and purpose behind the piece. So it’s very interesting that she was able to show how different cultures depict themselves as opposed to how others might, and the assumptions that result from the observer.
Art form:
I want to talk about music in some way. I want to write a composition, which would be uncharted territory for me, as so far I've only tried arranging music (taking things that already exist and reinventing and reinterpreting them for a different style or feel.) This could be related to concept of self, as well as a comparison to others' styles. It is also very relevant to the concept of beauty--what one sees as beautiful, another sees as awful. Or, even what one culture of music may view as beautiful or good music, be it classical or contemporary, could be completely different. Here in america, we have Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars, but who are the equivalent of those people in India, Africa, Russia, or other parts of the world? Classical and traditional music also has great variation across the world. When it comes to op music, the definition of obscenity even comes into play, with certain words being even allowed in songs, where such vulgar themes aren't even considerable in other places, or wouldn't be valid even here a while ago. Whether or not include a composition of my own, I'd like to study this. However, it would be very cool to compare something I've written to music from composers now, the past, and even around the world.
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